Friday, February 20, 2009

Milk Products

Milk Products
1. Skimmed milk and dried skimmed milk
– Skimmed milk is milk from which the fat has been removed, usually for making butter.
– In its dried form (DSM), it is a familiar product in many countries.
– It contains nearly all the protein of milk, as well as the carbohydrate, calcium and B vitamins.
– It is an excellent food, especially for those on predominantly carbohydrate diets and those who have extra needs for protein.
– In some places DSM is supplied to those with special needs through clinics and health centres.
– Skimmed milk is an excellent food to add to any diet, but it is particularly useful in the diets of children and pregnant and lactating women.
– It is not a suitable substitute for whole milk for infants.
– It is sometimes added to dietary supplements such as, for example, corn (maize)/soybean/milk mixture (CSM).

2. Whole powdered milk
– This product, as the name implies, is whole milk that has been dried.
– Unlike DSM, it contains fat.
– It is suitable for infants when no breastmilk is available.

3. Evaporated and condensed milks
– These are milks that have had much of their water removed but that are still liquid.
– Condensed milk is sweetened by the addition of sugar
– Evaporated milk does not contain added sugar.
– Many brands of condensed milk have vitamins added.
– They are not suitable as breastmilk substitutes for infants.

4. Yoghurt and soured or fermented milks
– Many different organisms are used in the process of making yoghurt and fermented milks
– These products are easy to prepare, are highly nutritious, have enhanced keeping quality and are a little pathogenic organisms.
– Their use should be encouraged.

5. Casein
– Casein is the protein from milk.
– rather expensive.
– commonly mixed as part of a formula or mixture for treatment of children with PEM.

6. Cheese
– Cheese-making is an excellent way of using any excess milk produced during the seasons when milk yields are high.
– Numerous processes are used, but essentially cheese is made by letting milk clot and subsequently removing some of the water.
– Salt and other flavourings may be added.

7. Butter
– Butter are milk products
– made from the milk fat

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